Number systems conversion

by 10:04 PM 0 comments

Last date, we discussed the different number systems and how to convert a numeral representation from one system to another. As IT students, we’re supposed to be familiar with each of these systems because many computer applications use them. For instance, computers mainly use the binary system because this makes it easier for them to store information. However, the color spectrum used by graphic designers is based on the hexadecimal number system.
My lessons on number system conversions seem so distant. I’m not going to lie, the last lesson on that subject I remember clearly was still in elementary school. Our math teacher was able to brief us well in each of the conversion processes. In high school, we focused more on HTML and software like Photoshop and Dreamweaver. I remember we also had general lessons on Cisco that focused on programming. Those online exams were hard. I remember I would be lucky to even pass. My highest grade was 88% and I don’t remember anyone in our class who had a perfect score in any of our Cisco exams. I even heard about an online exam in IT 1, so I’m glad it didn’t push through because I still have some of my high school trauma. )

Wow, it must have been hard for last sem’s IT1 students if it’s true that they had an online exam on number system conversions. I don’t know, I feel like the computer setup would really intimidate me so I hope our second exam would still be written.  



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