Digital Logic

by 10:06 PM 0 comments

Last date, we discussed the different gates that enable the transfer of information within the system unit. I always knew there were a whole lot of circuits inside a system unit, but I did not expect how intricate the gates are and how specific they are to each response the computer generates. Wow. Just wow. There are three basic gates (AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate) that each have more advanced counterparts.
Where do the computer guys even get the ideas for these gates? The gates mean that each of the systems has to work so /perfectly/ or else our computers would not perform the way we want them to. The system for information transfer must be so intricate and so interesting to study. But the only allowed CMSC electives for BACA majors are CMSC 2 and CMSC 11. I wonder if CMSC 11 also deals with digital logic.
I’ll check out more online exercises for digital logic, like the one on the site Sir Kevin gave us. Maybe I’ll understand each of the gate’s functions better if I do.



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